Translating “The Power of 504”

Kitty Cone speaking at rallyThe Power of 504 is “an award-winning 18-minute documentary, which captures the drama and emotions of the historic civil rights demonstration of people with disabilities in 1977, resulting in the signing of the 504 Regulations, the first Federal Civil Rights Law protecting people with disabilities. Includes contemporary news footage and news interviews with participants and demonstation leaders.”

Until recently, the video has only been captioned and audio described in English. Now The Power of 504 is captioned in six other languages. There are eight versions in all to choose from.

The translations are done on a largely volunteer basis. If you spot errors, feel free to contact DREDF. We’d love to hear from you.

Happy 25th Anniversary of the ADA.

One thought on “Translating “The Power of 504””

  1. Hello,

    My Federal agency would like to show this video during National Disability Employment Awareness Month in October. About 150 employees would watch it. Do we have/need permission to show this documentary?

    Thank you.


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