Assisted Suicide: California’s bill lacks safeguards

Californians against Assisted SuicideOn the surface, if you only consider the wishes of a single individual, assisted suicide legislation might seem reasonable, and the media flurry surrounding the case of Brittany Maynard has made it seem that way. Continue reading

Taking Away Recess is Bad Policy and Bad for Kids

Children jumping rope on the playgroundThe Berkeley Unified School District (BUSD) is considering a policy that would allow teacher and principals to discipline students by taking away recess. Berkeley is not alone in using this age–old punishment — schools across the country are using it despite any research showing that it has any benefit. Research has shown that taking recess away is not an effective way to change behavior, and in fact, is harmful. DREDF sent this letter to the BUSD School Board—please feel free to use it as a template in your school district. Continue reading

The Danger of Assisted Suicide Laws

CNN Tonight Marilyn Golden's commentary on assisted suicide laws in response to coverage of Brittany Maynard's choice to move to Oregon where assisted suicide is legal in order to end her life due to terminal illness was featured on
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