Making Restorative Justice Inclusive for Students with Disabilities
The use of restorative justice programs in school settings is relatively new. According to an article in Edutopia published in 2015, "Restorative justice empowers students to resolve conflicts on their own and in small groups, and it's a growing practice at schools around the country. Essentially, the idea is to bring students together in peer-mediated small groups to talk, ask questions, and air their grievances."
Author: DREDF
Bruce Darling’s Remarks at the DREDF Anniversary (Video)
I Have MS. The Changes Congress Wants to Make to Medicaid Terrify Me.
My name is Michael Ogg. I am quadriplegic due to multiple sclerosis. This is how proposals to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act will affect me personally.
I have had progressive MS for over 20 years and, as a result, cannot independently perform any activities of daily living (ADLs) but am able to live in my own house with extensive long-term services and supports (LTSS) provided by very dedicated home health aides. Two years ago I had major surgery for G.I. cancer and now have regular oncology checkups and annual PET scans as well as being on daily medication.